After registration, the parents were ushered to the school canteen by Emily and her PSG team as well as Mdm Halilahs efficient and extremely helpful Student Councillors. This was done to initiate the first part of TK1Nite which was the school tour.

In the auditorium, the Principal introduced the subject teachers. This was followed by a short talk to the parents to help facilitate the transition of their child from primary to secondary school. At the end of the auditorium segment, the Principal handed out letters of appointment and appreciation to both the new and old PSG members.
Next came the hall segment. A montage about the school was displayed and our PSG Chairperson, Norsiah gave an insight on how the PSG works and also encouraged new parents to join the PSG family. The parents then had a scrumptious dinner with the Principal and teachers on wonderfully decorated tables. The ideas on how to decorate the tables come from creative new PSG members. Furthermore, Norsiah gave a brilliant idea which was to thank parents by giving them mouth-watering cupcakes that had initials “TK PSG” on them.
After the event, Sec 1 parents gave back feedback forms that reflected very positive results. The feedback showed that the event was a fun, enriching and unique experience for them. Indeed, this was a reward for PSG members, staff members and student councillors for all their hard work to make TK1Nite a success. A big thanks to all and looking forward to next years TK1Nite!
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