Our appreciation to Dr John Ng for such an entertaining session whilst dispensing useful tips to the participants. Our gratitude also to EMCC (of which Dr John Ng is Honorary Chair of Eagles Mediation & Counselling Centre, EMCC) for providing complimentary books to the participants.
The idea was mooted by TK PSG Seminar Team based on the interesting content of the book entitled "Dim Sum For The Family" filled with simple wisdom of marriage & family life & practical tips written by Dr John Ng. It was a 7-month period planning to kick off the 2012 Parenting Event in order to secure most sought after trainer like Dr John Ng... all the efforts were worth it!

It was a packed two & half hour program focussing on Managing Parent-Teen Conflict including a video clip, some real life experiences of the author & parents facing day-to-day challenges. The trainer presented the session with humour covering issues like "Worries & Wishes in Parent-Teen Conflicts", "Triggers or Hot Buttons"& "Stategies to Manage Conflicts". Participants also enjoyed the question & answer session with Dr Ng as well as the interaction with other TK parents & TK PSG during the break time whilst savouring delicious Dim Sum selected menu & pastries with hot coffee & tea.

General feedback received clearly demonstrates a good understanding of the subject matter at the end of the session by the participants & their various comments point to the fact that the speaker, being able to relate the subject matter with his own personal experiences (similar to the audience's), has made the overall experience meaningful & helpful in the participants' application back home. At end of session, Overall, it was thumbs-up to TK PSG for organizing the parenting event!

Author: Sylvia Wandly, organizer of the seminar, PSG
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