to class reps as the primary audience and other passionate parents who have key voice from the grassroots.
Class reps, being the direct person-to-person connection to the PSGpopulation are engaged in this meeting to work towards supporting TKSSin the holistic development of the students and to prmote PSG and SFE programmes.
Mr Lee, the school principal, gave the participants a crisp update ofthe School’s initiatives and affairs. The session was littered withcandid questions and spontaneous responses. The issues and questionsbrought up by parents were frank, direct and current. The principalwas able to put the parents at ease when replying to the questions byproviding them with insights into how the school handled the issuesraised.A well-timed networking tea break came next. Parents continued on someof the topics with one another while others were able to make newacquaintances and renew old ones over coffee, tea and good fingerfood.Next, there were a series of presenters who talked about coming eventswhich parents can participate in. The audience was on hand to givesuggestions on the content of the events. In some cases, theyvolunteered to be a member of the organizing committees.My topic came next….blogging. Through blogging, we share experiencesand information. This is to improve ourselves as parent-stakeholdersand also at a personal level with regards to volunteerism. Parents whoparticipated in the school’s activities are encouraged to write abouttheir positive experience to attract other parents to play an active role.
Posting on the blog is easy. Simply sendthe article to the class reps or any of the committee members for itto be posted on the blog.At the end of the meeting, as an observer, I felt information wereflowing both ways… parents were engaged.
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