As usual, the PSG was there to stay in touch with parents through such an occassion. PSG members was there to get to know the parents, offer their views and experience on CCA as parents for parents. PSG was also there to promot the Cyber Wellness workshop and TK1 nite. There were questions on why the TK1 night starts at 4 pm. Here is why.... upon arrival, parents will start their tour to the school's facility to let them understand the environment their child will learn in. The facilities and labs will give parents a better understanding of the work the child will have to handle. The most interesting part of the tour has to be the classroom visit (your child's). Parents will have to do something there (I will keep this a mystery for those parents who are attending). There will be a segment whereby the school principal and his staff members will brief parents on some key elements which secondary one in TK differs from primary 6. These briefing will help parents to manage their child better with regards to the schoolwork.
I will be attending the Cyber Wellness workshop and will let you know more about the event in my next posting.
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