Thursday, November 8, 2018

Class of Champions 2018, this is your time to SHINE and we are here to CHEER you on!

~Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

A section of the TKSS canteen was transformed into a PSG well-wishes corner on 23 October and 8 November 2018.

There were:

- Posters with pictures and words of encouragement
- Baskets with food bags filled with Milo pack and muffins, doughnuts, pizza bread, cupcakes
- Tables lined with pretty tablecloths

23 October and 8 November 2018 were the days of the GCE "O" level English and Mother Tongue papers. TKPSG was there to lend our support to the Class of Champions 2018.

Food was snapped up quickly as the students only had a short interval of 20 minutes between 2 papers. It is heart-warming to see the smiles on the students’ faces as they were handed with the food bags together with loads of well-wishes from PSG.

Class of Champions, 
This is your time to SHINE! 
All the BEST to all of you!!

Friday, November 2, 2018

TK Graduation Ceremony - The Class of Champions 2018

Award recipients for the Biology / Physics Olympiad 
~ Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

5 October 2018
Time flies, I am sure many parents of the graduating class could recall sitting at one of the chairs at the hall, listening to the Principal’s welcome speech when our child first stepped into Tanjong Katong Secondary School, 4 years ago.

Receiving the TK Graduate Bear from teachers
Today, we are back at the same venue, listening to the Principal’s parting speech and well wishes for the graduating class, after our child has completed his/her 4 years of secondary education.

As we see each student going up on stage to receive the TK graduate bear from their teachers, it is apparent that the then 12 / 13 years old girls and boys have been well groomed into fine young ladies and gentlemen we see today.

During these 4 years, a lot of efforts were put into developing these students into passionate and self-directed learners. Students were nurtured to be confident, resilient and flexible, after having gone through various competitions and activities. I am heartened to know that their actions are guided by sound values as they continue to contribute to the society.
Receiving the TK Graduate Bear from teachers
As they embark on the next phase of their lives, we would like to say a big Thank You to all the staff and management of Tanjong Katong Secondary School for the holistic development of our child during these 4 crucial years of their lives.

May the
Class of Champions 
continue to keep the
TK flag flying

2018 Teachers' Day celebrations

~ Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

Here's a poem dedicated to all the AWESOME TEACHERS at 
Tanjong Katong Secondary School:

30 August 2018 – The hall was filled with loads of laughter, giggles, and cheers as the students await patiently for the start of the Teachers’ Day celebrations.
Award presentation to teachers :)

Sketch put up by teachers
A song dedicated to the teachers
This is a very emotional day, a day when students recall what the teachers at Tanjong Katong Secondary School have done for them - the unwavering support given, the encouraging words to keep them going, the genuine care and concern of their well-being, extra time and efforts put in (in class and behind the scenes) to make sure learning takes place, the answering of never-ending questions from students 24/7, the faith in them even when they do not see it, the celebrations of the achievements along the way (even the baby steps), the helping hand when they were down, the listening ears when they were lost and fearful, the cheering to help them forge ahead, the pillar behind them when they needed the strength and much much more….. the teachers are always there to help them, to learn and grow into a better person J

"Fashion Show"

Class Chairman representing the class to give their form teacher a present 

Happy Teachers' Day!!