Thursday, November 8, 2018

Class of Champions 2018, this is your time to SHINE and we are here to CHEER you on!

~Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

A section of the TKSS canteen was transformed into a PSG well-wishes corner on 23 October and 8 November 2018.

There were:

- Posters with pictures and words of encouragement
- Baskets with food bags filled with Milo pack and muffins, doughnuts, pizza bread, cupcakes
- Tables lined with pretty tablecloths

23 October and 8 November 2018 were the days of the GCE "O" level English and Mother Tongue papers. TKPSG was there to lend our support to the Class of Champions 2018.

Food was snapped up quickly as the students only had a short interval of 20 minutes between 2 papers. It is heart-warming to see the smiles on the students’ faces as they were handed with the food bags together with loads of well-wishes from PSG.

Class of Champions, 
This is your time to SHINE! 
All the BEST to all of you!!

Friday, November 2, 2018

TK Graduation Ceremony - The Class of Champions 2018

Award recipients for the Biology / Physics Olympiad 
~ Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

5 October 2018
Time flies, I am sure many parents of the graduating class could recall sitting at one of the chairs at the hall, listening to the Principal’s welcome speech when our child first stepped into Tanjong Katong Secondary School, 4 years ago.

Receiving the TK Graduate Bear from teachers
Today, we are back at the same venue, listening to the Principal’s parting speech and well wishes for the graduating class, after our child has completed his/her 4 years of secondary education.

As we see each student going up on stage to receive the TK graduate bear from their teachers, it is apparent that the then 12 / 13 years old girls and boys have been well groomed into fine young ladies and gentlemen we see today.

During these 4 years, a lot of efforts were put into developing these students into passionate and self-directed learners. Students were nurtured to be confident, resilient and flexible, after having gone through various competitions and activities. I am heartened to know that their actions are guided by sound values as they continue to contribute to the society.
Receiving the TK Graduate Bear from teachers
As they embark on the next phase of their lives, we would like to say a big Thank You to all the staff and management of Tanjong Katong Secondary School for the holistic development of our child during these 4 crucial years of their lives.

May the
Class of Champions 
continue to keep the
TK flag flying

2018 Teachers' Day celebrations

~ Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

Here's a poem dedicated to all the AWESOME TEACHERS at 
Tanjong Katong Secondary School:

30 August 2018 – The hall was filled with loads of laughter, giggles, and cheers as the students await patiently for the start of the Teachers’ Day celebrations.
Award presentation to teachers :)

Sketch put up by teachers
A song dedicated to the teachers
This is a very emotional day, a day when students recall what the teachers at Tanjong Katong Secondary School have done for them - the unwavering support given, the encouraging words to keep them going, the genuine care and concern of their well-being, extra time and efforts put in (in class and behind the scenes) to make sure learning takes place, the answering of never-ending questions from students 24/7, the faith in them even when they do not see it, the celebrations of the achievements along the way (even the baby steps), the helping hand when they were down, the listening ears when they were lost and fearful, the cheering to help them forge ahead, the pillar behind them when they needed the strength and much much more….. the teachers are always there to help them, to learn and grow into a better person J

"Fashion Show"

Class Chairman representing the class to give their form teacher a present 

Happy Teachers' Day!!

Monday, August 13, 2018

2018 TKSS National Day Celebrations

~ Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

08.08.2018 - Tanjong Katong Secondary School Leaders, School Advisory Committee, Seniors from St Hilda's Senior Services Centre, Parent Support Group (PSG), Staff, Teachers and Students were all dressed in National Day colors - all ready to celebrate Singapore’s 53rd birthday.

While waiting for the celebrations to begin, familiar National Day songs were played in the background. Many students were heard singing to their favorite tunes while making the final preparations.

PSG was very blessed and honored to be one of the invited guests to join the school for this joyous occasion.

The celebration kick started with the march-pass and performances by the various uniform groups. It is indeed a showcase of the fruit of their labor after many months of hard work and practices.

Student representatives from secondary 3 were invited to lead in the recital of The Pledge. This was a meaningful moment as the secondary 3 students have just received their NRIC - an important card depicting their citizenship and rights.

The dance, songs and the skit (scripted and planned by students) brought us back to the past. Audiences were reminded of the struggles, sacrifices, perseverance and conviction by our forefathers. The message was clear - It is important for us to treasure what we have. It is even more important for us to continue to strive for democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

During the mass singing segment, many students swarmed over to the assembly plaza to join the performers. They formed lines as they sang and ran around the area. It was very heart-warming to see the crowd cheering and singing along with them :)

The celebration ended on an even higher note with performances by the renowned award-winning, TK Band, playing a series of our favorite National Day songs!

Once again, Happy 53rd Birthday Singapore!!

Monday, June 18, 2018

2018 Dads for Life Workshop

~ Article contributed by Lim Kim Meng

I needed no persuasion to sign up for the “Dads for Life (DFL) workshop which was held on 3 March 2018 in TKSS. The celebrated founder of this program was slated to facilitate the 3-hour session and I reckoned it was a golden opportunity to take in valuable insights from the parenting extraordinaire himself.

The TKSS library was exceedingly welcoming 
as a score of fathers strolled in and were warmly received by the PSG organising committee.  After the perfunctory handshakes were exchanged, expectant sights were cast on the speaker sitting quietly upfront. The speaker was none other than Mr Jason Wong, founder of the wildly successful Dads for Life (DFL) Program ( and the remarkable Yellow Ribbon Movement (

Jason recounted how his proposal to dial up the father’s role in the parenting matrix was regarded with an incredulous eye. His peers found the concept bewildering, almost a moot point. The archetypal fathers weren’t prepared to call their authority and effectiveness into question.  Unperturbed, Jason soldiered on, ably assisted by a team of committed fathers who provided the impetus for the launch of the DFL program in 2009.

He felt deeply compelled to drive the DFL program to fruition because he saw an imperative need to bridge a parenting gap. During his 17-year stint in the prison services, he was appalled by the numerous cases of prisoners who had the misfortune of either modelling after their errant fathers or were missing one in the critical formative years.  Jason was convinced that fathers play a critical role in bridging this parenting chasm. Thanks to the founders of the DFL program, I found myself perched comfortably in the TKSS library a decade later, attempting to crack the parenting equivalent of the Da Vinci code.

The workshop was designed to be highly interactive, with Jason sharing personal anecdotes of his parenting journey and encouraging participants to do likewise.  We laughed heartily at his hilarious parenting slip-ups while mulling over the realisation that the “Perfect Father” was a perennial “Work-in-Progress” project. Even this parenting advocate admitted to falling prey to the lure of television programs and incessant professional deadlines.  We learnt that effective parenting does not emerge with the birth of a child, nor does it grow in tandem with our children. On the contrary, most of us are unprepared and many remain so. Fortunately, a long-awaited slide finally made its appearance.

It was euphemistically titled “Fathering Tips”. I could almost hear a universal heave of relief in the library. We love blueprints, detailed manuals and “HOW TO” guides and it created much excitement among the participants who enthusiastically tested the feasibility and research behind each of the 10 fathering tips.

Jason took the opportunity to reel back faded memories of our childhood experiences with our fathers and thankfully, many volunteers shared decades old recollections which clearly expounded the importance of projecting positive values for our children to model after. The various small group discussions and presentation of collective findings were very effective ways to sharpen the definition of the most pressing parenting issues. More importantly, it helped galvanised our collective resolve to act on at least some of the parenting principles immediately.

3 hours were quickly expended in lively discourse and candid debates. While I cannot profess to have significantly elevated my parenting skills after one workshop, I’m convinced fathers CAN and SHOULD make a difference in the parenting journey. After all, “Dads for Life” risks becoming another pompous byword unless fathers make a real commitment to act, even in very small steps. 
More DFL activities were promised by the PSG organising committee, judging from what I saw, we might need an even bigger space for the next session. Great Work CK and Eric!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

2018 International Friendship Day

~ Article contributed by Kiran Nathani

The school celebrated International Friendship Day (IFD) on Thursday, 05 April 2018. The theme this year was ASEAN countries. Patsy, Kim Meng, Janice, Pop and Kiran from the PSG headed this event.

There was an overwhelming response to our call for sponsorship and we are happy to announce that in a matter of days, 30 vouchers, along with a lot of scrumptious goodies were received. Thank you parents, for all your love and support!

Other than the huge International Friendship Day banner, posters were placed at the canteen and around the school. To help students understand more on ASEAN countries and cultures, ASEAN country flags and small strips of colourful papers with fun facts were place on the tables in the canteen.

On the day of the event, 30 parent volunteers came to school as early as 7:30am. The Instagram contest was a hit amongst the students as they could put on ethnic costumes and take pictures using the props provided. 

Students participated enthusiastically and vouchers were awarded to students with the best pictures and captions.

The canteen became livelier during recess time as music of popular songs from ASEAN countries were played in the background. Students were seen swarming to another popular booth - “Quiz and Win”.  100 questions based on ASEAN countries that were posed and students who could answer these questions were rewarded with their favourite goodies.

It was a great opportunity for PSG to work with the school to organise this fun and meaningful event. 

Once again, TKSS Rocks!

2018 TK Games Carninval / Sec 4 Evening Study Fund Raising Sale

~ Article contributed by Monggur Tumbuck

20th April 2018 was a day burst with adrenaline rush! Students from different levels couldn’t hide their excitement as they try out the interesting array of games and sports that were carefully planned by the school.  

On this day, TK PSG set up a booth for Secondary 4 Evening Study Fund Raising Sale. The main item on sale was the ever-popular ice popsicles. As expected, this all-time favorite item was sold out within a short span of time!

Not too long later, dark clouds loomed overhead. The heavy down pour was the exact opposite of what started out as a bright, hot and sunny day. Some of the activities had to stop due to the sudden change in weather conditions but this did not dampen the high spirits of the students and parents alike. Additional snacks were given out along with the popsicles. With this little surprise, delight and appreciative grin was noted on many students’ faces. It was an awesome and a memorable experience for all of us. 

                                                                         This is one of the fund raising events for Secondary 4 Study Fund. The proceeds of the sale will be used to provide subsidized food and beverages for Sec 4 students, who attend evening study sessions during their prelims and GCE 'O' level exams. 

A BIG THANK YOU to all TK PSG members for all the efforts in making this event a success!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

2018 FunFoodFriendship (3F) for PSG - Home-grown Organic Veggies

~ Article contributed by Jeslin Wee

On 14 April 2018, PSGs came together to forge new friendships and strengthen old ones…. through learning how to grow “Home-grown Organic Vegetables”.

Nowadays we are more conscious of healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. This hands-on session came at the right time, as it gave all of us a practical insight on how to grow organic vegetables for our family J.

    It was a fun-filled activity with lots of laughter echoing in the room as we learnt:

    • Tips on how to have “green fingers” (what plants really need)
    • Plant care
    • Germination requirement
    • Different types of vegetables and their benefits
    • Hydroponic concepts and methods
    • Propagation
    • Organic pest control

    The demonstration and sharing session provided us with a confidence to try out using the starter kit that all of us were given.

    One of the key takeaways for me:

    I can stop being a plant-killer and start planting my own organic veggies J