To The TK Bazaar Team 2013
- Rose, Yiling, Dhupi, Gail, Nurita, Poh Choo, Roza , Merry, Lily and Emily and All PSG members for their kind contribution.

A truly enjoyable event where the PSG Team came together once again on May 30th 2013, to work and enjoy the moment with all the students and teachers. The time the PSG Gang spent together leading up to the Event, the planning and preparations were truly memorable.
Thank you to Emily who was unable to attend the event day, but managed to help Rose with the preparation of the specially prepared Homemade Ice Popsicles which proved to be a hit and a sell-out, the 2nd year running. Not forgetting our freshly prepared French-fries with special cheese sauce was also a popular item. The demand so good that a last minute rush was made to the nearby supermarket to stock up on more fries to sell. The sales of our assorted open-faced sandwiches picked up much later and in all we managed a very good sale of over SGD430.
It is truly an enjoyable event, and looking forward to working together again with the Team!