Saturday, October 26, 2013

2013 'O' Level Refreshment for TK Sec 4 Cohort

Stand by You!
Principal Mdm Haslinda & Parent Volunteers
~ Article contributed by Tan Poh Choo

Adrenalin flowed and anxieties abound as students prepared earnestly to take the ‘O’ Level examinations. Finally, the moment has arrived. TK PSG with the generous support from parents and dedicated efforts put in by parent volunteers walked the extra mile to provide refreshments for all TK Sec 4 students on 21 October 2013 - the first day of the ‘O’ Levels examinations.  TK PSG stands by all TK Sec 4 students up to the very moment of the examinations!

It was a heartwarming time to see our students savoring buns and sipping Milo or soya bean drinks during the break after an exhausting 2-hour English Language Paper 1.  Re-fuelling our TK Sec 4 students for the next paper was the least that we as parents can do for them. Nothing can be more satisfying to see the spirit of camaraderie among students and parents who were connected by the common desire of putting in the best efforts in the examinations.  Parents were seen encouraging students and students nudging each other to do hisor her utmost.
This event was nothing short of a success.  It would not have been possible if not for the generous donation from parents and the sacrifice put in by parent volunteers who took time off from their busy schedules to help out in distributing food and drinks.  TK PSG was very fortunate to have PrimaDeli sponsored the buns for this occasion.

TK PSG is planning a second session to provide refreshments on 6 November 2013. We urge parents to partake in this meaningful occasion and share a wonderful moment with TK Sec 4 students. This activity brings home the message that TK PSG in collaboration with the school and parents will always be there to support all TK students and cheer them on to give their best shot.

TK PSG would like to thank the school, parents and all who had contributed in one way or another to this event. Special thanks also go to PrimaDeli for being so supportive of PSG activities.  Lastly, to all our TK Sec 4 students, we wish you the very best in your examinations.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Thank-You Letter from Sec 4 Student Representative

~ TK PSG received this Thank-You letter after our 2-week Sec 4 Night Study Dinner project.  It is  a heartwarming message for all parents whom have contributed in many different ways to support our students.  

Monday, August 26, 2013

2013 Sec 4 Night Study Project on Aug 12-15 & Aug 19-22

~ Article contributed by Emily Low

The Sec 4 Night Study project is an initiative by TK PSG. The PSG is truly grateful to have the full support from the Principal, Mdm Haslinda and the teachers. This year we see the smooth running of this project with the school supporting us in every way and the dedication of parent volunteers. It ended with a good note. A big ‘Thank You’ to all!

It all started with the 2 fund raising held in school. Dedicated parents came together to sell hot dogs and cup cakes to raise money for the Sec 4 night study dinner project. It was done to encourage the Sec 1 to 3 students to play a part in encouraging their seniors in their final year. Shortly after, a letter was sent to parents of the Sec 4 cohort in seeking their contributions to the night study fund.  We received encouraging and generous contributions from parents. TK PSG is again grateful that we can partner the parents to work on this meaningful project. Part of the funds came from Sec 4 students who had to purchase dinner coupons for $1 per dinner per night. This is to stop wastage of food. With the number of coupons sold, we are able to ascertain the number of bento to order per night.

The funds collected went to provide dinner for 8 nights to an average of 65 students per night. With the healthy collection, we were able to cater Bento dinner for them. A lot of work went into planning and sourcing for caterers. In the end, we managed to provide drinks, main meals (and most days, desserts were provided), mints and snacks for each night. The quality and quantity were reasonable.  Of course there are kids that are always hungry. By providing dinner for the students, we hoped that they would spend their time meaningfully in their revision. The bentos look palatable every night! We have main courses such as Teriyaki Chicken, Lemon Chicken, Fish and noodles that came with side dishes too. As the menu changes every night, the students looked forward to each meal. On the 8th night, the students were treated to cup ice cream! It was a delight to them and a joy for us to see them enjoying their well-earned treat!

Special thanks go to Mdm Florence, school Teaching Assistant, who stayed back every night to ensure the smooth running of the Night Study, and Mr Koh, our Vice-Principal, who selflessly avail himself throughout the 8 nights to oversee the evenings and not to mention, the last to leave the school. Both have been a tremendous help.

With the left over funds, we will be providing refreshments on 2 days during the ‘O’ Levels examination.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents who contributed in anyway (helping out in the fund raising, contributing to the funds etc) and for making this year’s Sec 4 Night Study a success! We wish all the Sec 4 students the very best in their ‘O’ Levels and their future endeavours.

“Action is the foundational key to all success” by Pablo Picasso
“If it is to be, it’s up to me” by Caleb Anthony Parker

Thursday, May 30, 2013

2013 TK Bazaar

~ Article contributed by Raihana Harris

To The TK Bazaar Team 2013 
- Rose, Yiling, Dhupi, Gail, Nurita, Poh Choo, Roza , Merry, Lily and Emily and All PSG members for their kind contribution.

A truly enjoyable event where the PSG Team came together once again on May 30th 2013, to work and enjoy the moment with all the students and teachers.  The time the PSG Gang spent together leading up to the Event, the planning and preparations were truly memorable.  

Thank you to Emily who was unable to attend the event day, but managed to help Rose with the preparation of the specially prepared Homemade Ice Popsicles which proved to be a hit and a sell-out, the 2nd year running. Not forgetting our freshly prepared French-fries with special cheese sauce was also a popular item.  The demand so good that a last minute rush was made to the nearby supermarket to stock up on more fries to sell.  The sales of our assorted open-faced sandwiches picked up much later and in all we managed a very good sale of over SGD430.  

It is truly an enjoyable event, and looking forward to working together again with the Team!

Monday, April 29, 2013

2013 Sec 4 Study Night Fund Raising Sale

~ Article contributed by Rose Anuar

On the 29th April 2013,TK PSG organized a fund raising sale for the Sec 4 Study Nights.The fund will be used to defray the cost of food and beverages for Sec 4 students who attend study nights before the prelim and GCE 'O' level exams. 

The Tteam was lead by Raihana and myself with the help of other parent volunteer - Emily, Poh Choo, Merry, Yaner, Diah, Jumaliah  and Samuel. 

We chose to sell red velvet cupcakes and hot dog buns. We did not anticipate that the sale would be very good. During the 1st recess for the lower sec,  100 pcs of red velvet cupcakes were snapped up in 15 minutes. Most of the students  queueing up were disappointed when it was sold out. Raihana decided that we should take per-order from the students and bring the cupcakes the next day. I discussed with Mdm Jasma and she agreed . We announced the idea of the pre-order and they were happy about it. The excitement and the very good sale did not stop there! 

The hot dog buns topped with creme cheese, mayonnaise and choice of 
Ketchup or chili sauce  was a hot favorite among the kids too. In 20 Minutes of the first recess , there were about 40 hotdogs left of the 200 pcs that we prepared. I did not want to disappoint the upper sec students who would come down at 10.30 am for their recess and decided to act fast.

Within minutes, as the others PSG members were busy attending to the sales, I was on my way to Giant Hypermarket  at Parkway Parade to get supplies for more hotdog buns.  I felt like I was in an amazing race or some kind of shopping game! Running in the Hypermarket alley with trolley. An elderly lady was very kind  to let me pay before her for my supplies when I told her that I was having a fund raising and need to go back to school as soon as possible. Within  less than half an hour, I was back in school with another 130 buns and hotdogs for sale. 
It was amazing that we managed to prepare the hotdog buns just in time for the second recess using the steamer that I have brought and the school's staff room microwave oven. (With some help from Mdm Jasma)

The second recess was a bigger crowd. Students kept  on queueing up to pre-order  the cupcakes. There was a long queue for hotdogs too.  By  the end of the recess we were tired and excited because we managed to sell all the hotdogs that we prepared at the last minute!

The next day, with the help of Emily, Yi Ling and Poh Choo, we came back to school during recess to sell the pre-order red velvet cupcakes that Raihana baked for the students. The night before, I  decided to bake extra 100 pcs Oreo creme cheese cupcakes  for sale to surprise the students who were not aware of the pre-order sales. 

At the end of the 2nd recess, all the pre-order cupcakes and the oreo cupcakes that were on sale were snapped up. The respond was very good. Some of the teachers and students were disappointed that they were not able to buy them.  They suggested that we bake more next time. 

It was a very exciting, good, fun and memorable experience for all of us. We sold 330  hotdog buns and 250 cupcakes and made a very handsome profit! 

With dedicated team who has taken time off from work and commitments, this 1st TK Sec 4 fund raising sale 2013 was definitely a success!

We look forward to having the second sale soon! 

Friday, March 29, 2013

2013 TK Sports Day ~ Join the School Event!

Dear TK Parents,

Whether you like to sit back and enjoy the game or prefer to put on sneakers and race for medals, we like to invite you to participate "2013 TK Sports Day" on April 19 at Serangoon Stadium!  Join us to cheer for our children in this exciting annual sports event, and enjoy a special afternoon having fun with parents, staff and students!  

Time: April 19 (Friday), 2 - 5 PM
Place: Serangoon Stadium, 33 Yio Chu Kang Road Singapore 545677
* Staff-Parent-Alumni (SPA) Race: Participating parents please report to TK PSG desk at 3:30 PM

If you have time to come down to support this event, please email to  and let us know 

Look forward to seeing you there on 19 April!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

2013 TK Parenting Talk

Most parents are deeply concerned about their teenager's future. The chances of our teens succeeding in navigating this increasing challenging world increases with intentional preparation.  Your interaction with your children can build them up or tear them down.
This Talk focuses on the qualities that characterise a successful teenager and how you can prepare your young adult for it.
Contact to sign up today!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

2013 TK1 Nite

Written by Emily Pang
Welcome to TK1 Nite 2013

TK1 Nite is an annual event specially organised for Sec 1 parents. Well, it is like an orientation day for Sec 1 parents. The event includes a school tour; meet the teachers’ session; talks by HODs, followed by buffet dinner and entertainment by TK students. TK PSG spearheads it but the school has been very supportive and we work closely together. It is a signature event for PSG!
I remember as a Sec 1 parent, I was impressed with the programme that was planned for us. I felt welcomed by the PSG Committee and had a very fruitful and informative afternoon. This is my fourth year in TK and I had been to TK1 Nite 4 times!
How so when it is only for Sec 1 parents? The only way is to help out behind the scene. I joined PSG in my son’s second year and that was when I discovered how much work had gone into making TK1 Nite a success every year! It was hard work but a rewarding one. Every year, we have something different to look
Sharing the experience
forward to.
TK1 Nite 2013 is very special to me, as I had to oversee the whole project. I am very glad to work with a very capable group of parents who are dedicated and selfless. Most of us are working full time, some even have very demanding work schedule but they will do their part (however big or small) to make it happen! Our motivation is to make sure the Sec 1 parents get the most out of the afternoon event! We in PSG Committee had a lot of fun working together; we are like a big TK family!
I am pleased to say that all the hard work is paid off – yet another successful evening! I am glad to see Sec 1 parents enjoying the evening.
We look forward to see new parents (fathers especially) stepping up to help out. It will be a rewarding experience for you as it has been for me! See you in the next PSG event!
PSG organising committee enjoying the close of the event with a  "jump shot"