Monday, April 26, 2010

Learning Journeys: A call for volunteers

Parents, if you are interested in volunteering for school activities, this is an opportunity which you may like to consider. The Learning Journey is an event to bring students out of the classroom to learn. It will be held on 25 May, 7 am to 2 pm for all levels. Volunteer parents can assist the teachers to look after students. Like the student, parent volunteers can also learn from the event. Places for this year includes Changi War museum, fish farm, Discovery centre.

Inform your class rep or email/comment to this blog if you are interested.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sports Day

The sky cleared after an early afternoon shower. Students came to Bedok Stadium for Sports Day. Teachers and invited parents came. Parents can bear witness to their child’s effort in attaining sporting excellence.
Sebastian, the Sports Day PSG IC had earlier contacted parents who wanted to participate in the 4x100m. The names came from returned forms and more came through the class rep system. While the day wore on and more parents came, Sebastian invited parents to participate. Parents sporting accepted the challenge. PSG Parents formed 3 teams to race with teachers and alumni. During the interval, the band put up a marvelous display. This was a glimpse of the preparation for the coming band competition. After the interval, you can see in the photographs that the PSG teams were serious. They took time out to do some stretching before the race.
While waiting to be ready at the starting line in the PSG race, the first staccato stanza from my TK literature poem (33 years ago) flashed through.
”Heart aches,
lungs pant.
The thin air,
sorry scant”

Bang! off we go. Children were cheering. In a jiffy, the race has ended. The fastest PSG team came in third. The adult race was the last event for the day.
The intense effort during the few seconds made us
appreciate the nature of competitive racing. This will be an added topic for dinner talk with my children. Besides having more common ground and appreciation for my children, the Sports day did pull parents together and new acquaintances were made. TK also offered parents the opportunity to feel young again… through racing. Looking forward to next year’s Sports Day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


“Hello, please come this way for TK1Nite registration.” Parents were met by friendly registration ladies (PSG volunteers) when they arrived for the TK1 Nite. From there, councilors guided the participants to the library and lab tours.

One of the highlights of the tour was a visit to the classroom where their children have prepared a table top artwork to express themselves. Parents, Alwi and Ram left a note of encouragement on their child’s desk for encouragement. Other parents did likewise, sitting at the students’ desk to have a feel of the surrounding.
The Principal and subject teachers gave a short talk to the parents to help the transition of child from primary to secondary school. The parents proceeded to the hall and had dinner. Parents are organised to seat with parents of the same class and teacher. The occassion was well used by parents to network with each other and share common experiences. Teachers also took the opportunity to explain some aspects of the class and give candid early feedback on the class.

Behind the scene, we have PSG committee and class reps working in harmony with the school management for this major parent event. PSG members took care of items including early planning, print and visual materials, dinner/caterer sourcing.
On the morning of the event day, Takako went to buy flowers and met PSG helpers to prepare for the flower decoration for each dining table. Roger the cameramen captured an artistic shot of Roy in the flower arrangement session. You can see Rinku in the picture preparation serving enriched water to the flowers.

In the afternoon at about 3pm, with tables set up by the school, the registration ladies took position with the list of participants. Student Councilors were on hand to be tour guides for the day.
At the end of the event, PSG members came together to give Mega a farewell “jump” shot for 7 her seven wonderful years in PSG committee.

PSG committee is really a fun bunch. Through such volunteer work, we get opportunity to contribute, make more friends and enrich our quality of life.
TKSS school management team has done a lot to help develop our children and emphasized the importance of parents as stakeholder. TK1 Nite was a key school and PSG collaborated event for the parents. Thank you to TKSS staff and the parents who came.