Monday, October 5, 2009

Food from the Heart, tel:62597176.

Sec 3H conducted a Food Drive, in collaboration with Food From The Heart (FFTH). FFTH is a non-profit organisation that started in 2003, by collecting unsold bread from bakeries and hotels and, channelling them to needy families. The Food Drive started on 16th September and students of 3H manned the collection booth in the Canteen. Subsequently it was extended to 2nd October and, the TK Library served as collection point. Thank you Madam Faridah Ikhwan for putting up with mess of cans and bags of food!

TK parents as usual, donated generously. Canned food as well as general food items
such as rice, sugar, oil, instant noodles,
beverage and biscuits were collected. Some parents donated cash, which was used to purchase basic food
items. Our biggest doner for this event was Teo Bao Long Aaron (2D) and his parents Mr. Teo
Kian Huat and Mdm Cheng May Audrey who donated 33 packets of 5Kg rice and 10 bottles of 2Kg Canola oil! A big Thank You to them, to
Mega, who rallied the parents towards this cause and, to all the people who donated and helped out! It would not have succeeded without each one of you!

Volunteers from the FFTH collected the food packets on Monday, to be later distributed to needy individuals and families. Job well done!

The spirit of giving is alive in TK!

Article written by Sunitha

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Night sessions to remember...

Conscientious Sec 4 Students are spending time in the library to prepare for the GCE 'O' Level exams. The school has kept the library open into the night to support requests from the students to provide the space for their revisions. The PSG was on hand to give a further boost to these hardworking students by providing what parents have always done..., love and care through beverages and food.

The GCE 'O' Level Exam is a major event for a 16-year-old. These teenagers are now mature enough to understand importance of the exam and they are putting in more effort to prepare for it than ever before.
The PSG wishes all TKSS Sec 4 students well for the upcoming GCE 'O' Level exam.
The food and refreshments were donated from caring parents. There were parents who contributed by providing the logistics and they were also on site to keep an eye on the students.

  ...... Till this day, I still remember how seriously I had to study 30 years ago. It still gives me the shudders thinking about it. Having a conducive environment is always a plus point for students to prepare for exams.