Choon Yok Tak, father of Choon Hui Xun(3F)
Through my engagement with the parents, I was fortunate to meet some interesting people. Persons with immense passion stood out. These persons will go to great length, focus on the things which they like to do and DO IT. Some of these parents have given inspiration to their children and TK students. Hence when the committee comes across such people, we will like to feature them and hope that those among us draw the same kind of positive inspiration. I have posted the person on the right side for you to have a chat or contact them if you have similar interest.

Since this is the month of Asian Youth Games, I will start the ball rolling with a sportsman. He is passionate about running. In the recent Sundown Marathon, at the age of 48, he ran 84km in 8 hours 44 minutes. Running such a race is not a simple feat. Endurance, focus and will power are important elements, only acheived through disciplining himself and having a spartanly-fit physical condition from years and miles of practice. He is keen in running. In the last 2 years of TK Sports Day, he was there to represent the parents. He is also a volunteer PSG class representative. His sincerity makes him personable. Anyone wants running tips for the upcoming Ultra Marathon?...