Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome: New PSG members

Dear Parents,

As we enter into another new year. I would like to reflect on Y2009. The economic crisis that hit the whole world and made worst with the onslaught of the H1N1 virus has made TK PSG re-schedule some of its activities. However, TK PSG had a very good year with support from Parents and TKSS, from a wonderful and successful TK1 Nite to the colorful Racial Harmony exhibits set up by TK parents.

Many thanks not only to TK PSG Main Committee but parents and TKSS staff support, all the activities held was a success.

Looking forward to Y2010 and new parents in the fold, I believe TK PSG will once again look at a fruitful year. This is made possible because TKSS is blessed with supportive and motivated parents.

TK PSG, welcomes new parents and students to TKSS family. We sincerely hope to interact with all of you not only during the annual TK 1 Nite but activities that has been lined up throughout Y2010.

Feel free to contact us and join TK PSG in delivering our objectives for Y2010. We certainly need all the support from every TK parents.

Thank you

Safri Sujadi
Chairman, TK Parent Support Group

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sec3 Learning Journey - 27th October

TK has various Post-exam activities. The Learning Journey is one of them. The Sec3 students enjoyed visiting the places such as The Singapore Mint, museums, and the facilities of AVA on the 27th October. These visits out of school require watchful eyes of adults (20 students / 1 adult) to ensure well-being of the students. 9 TK parents rendered help. The PSG Secretary, Roy and a parent, Amini were among them. They accompanied with Sec3H and J to visit the Agrotechnology Parks. Here’s Roy’s photo journal.

TK Learning journey on 27 Oct 2009. ( wrong month on the date stamping)
The first stop at Lim Chu Kang’s AVA Auditorium.

The second stop at Qian Hu Fish Farm.

Canteen break for the students who didn’t eat breakfast while waiting for the farm personnel to conduct the tour.

Students enjoying the ornamental fish on display.

This stingray is too expensive for BBQ at a Price tag of $2000.
The more expensive ones are at $10,000 per item!

The price of one stingray above.

The 6 breeding ponds for arrowanas.

Tour inside the Fish Quarantine area before sending to pet shops and exporting overseas.
The number of fishes are counted by hand and packed into plastics bags filled with oxygen and water before shipping out.

These baby terrapins are so cute,

it makes you want to bring some home.
And one of the girls eventually bought one home.
The baby terrapins are not bred locally, they are imported.

Next stop at a local vegetable farm, Kok Fah Technology Farm.

One of the first attractions, a talking bird... And the students were amused by it.

This is the talking bird that caught everyone’s attention...

Onward with the farm tour.

I think this is a long bean plant.

The farm’s very own water supply for their plants.
Rain water is collected for watering the plants and vegetables.

A demo on how to cut an aloe vera leaf for consumption.
“Make sure you don’t touch the sap, it may cause itch on your skin”

Look at the concentration this student has.
“Is that a ......?
Ok, it’s the slime from the aloe vera.”
The student later received a bottle of cold Honey Aloe Vera drink.
Some say it’s good, others say it tastes different... from soft drinks of course.
I enjoyed it of course.

Some schools did some projects here to grow orchids using recycled stuffs. We saw an unwanted plastic shoe, a ‘Croc’ in exact, recycled into a pot for a baby orchid plant. What an ingenious way to get rid of old shoes so you can buy more shoes besides giving them to the garang guni man.

The last stop at the Orchid Farm. Students sitting inside the air-conditioned auditorium for a presentation.
Some advertising for them, “This place can be used for company D&D and functions” as told by the staff.

So cool and nice to relax.

Some are dozing off already.

The place where the orchids are cut and trimmed, ouch.

The production area, some of the orchid flowers are cut and packed for Singapore Airlines passengers... First Class travellers only.
Orchids used to be very expensive in the past. Only very rich people can afford to buy them.
Now you get them free with a First Class air ticket.

Economy class please buy them here.

The cold room for keeping the flowers fresh.

Anybody wants to go in to try the coldness and stay fresh?

A close up of the many potted orchid for sale ... what’s the name of this hybrid? Orchid usually have very long name.

Do you know you can name one after yourself if you discovered a new species?

This is the outdoor scenery, where the orchid plants are grown.

The dark netting above protects the plants from the strong sunlight and pests as well.

“Don’t stray away too far,

otherwise we go back without you!”

“OK we come back....what a waste... I thought we can pluck some flowers for my mummy.”
Do you know how long it takes you to grow a seedling into a mature plant with orchid flowers?
2 years, that all. Think it’s easy?

There are two types of orchids: terrestrial orchids and epiphytes. Terrestrial orchids, such as Cymbidium, grow on the ground, while epiphytes establish themselves on trees.
The hybrids are grown by taking 2 flowers from different species...decide who will be the male and the female. They are asexual, you know.
Fertilise the female flowers....wait for the successful fertilisation......collect the ovary capsules pods from the dried female flower....collect the almost microscpic seeds from the pods before they are dispersed and blown away......Germinate the seeds in special nutrient containing gel....collect seedlings and put in a fertilised bedding.....Transfer to individual small pots....Transfer to individual bigger pots....
One pot for only one plant... no wonder so many pots are needed .... and don’t forget to water them with nutrients water....some orchids don’t grow in soil, so you need to feed them directly through their roots.

By the way, how big can an orchid or vanda plant grow?
This particular one in the picture can weight up to 2000 kgs when fully grown.... this one is only a young plant.
The world’s smallest orchid plant is so small that you need a magnifying glass to see it’s flowers.

If you don’t believe, ask the staff.

“Let me show you how to create a new orchid hybrid.”

When I say you can name the new species after yourself, do you think I’m joking? It’s real!
Some orchids flowers can give off nice fragrance too.
Chocolate flavour, vanilla flavour, just to name a few that I can remember.

No joke, your vanilla ice cream comes in cheap package and some comes in expensive package. The expensive ones like the Turkish Ice cream comes from you know where?
Vanilla orchid of course.

Sorry, the flower has a real name besides calling it vanilla orchid for short and it’s very long also, (Dondurma - salepli dondurma) I think. It also means testicles.
This breed of orchid flower is harvested for cancer treatment in Chinese Traditional medicine and it’s very expensive also. Remember it takes 2 years to grow a new plant before it starts to flower, and the plant only flowers a few times a year.

Written by Roy

Monday, October 5, 2009

Food from the Heart, tel:62597176.

Sec 3H conducted a Food Drive, in collaboration with Food From The Heart (FFTH). FFTH is a non-profit organisation that started in 2003, by collecting unsold bread from bakeries and hotels and, channelling them to needy families. The Food Drive started on 16th September and students of 3H manned the collection booth in the Canteen. Subsequently it was extended to 2nd October and, the TK Library served as collection point. Thank you Madam Faridah Ikhwan for putting up with mess of cans and bags of food!

TK parents as usual, donated generously. Canned food as well as general food items
such as rice, sugar, oil, instant noodles,
beverage and biscuits were collected. Some parents donated cash, which was used to purchase basic food
items. Our biggest doner for this event was Teo Bao Long Aaron (2D) and his parents Mr. Teo
Kian Huat and Mdm Cheng May Audrey who donated 33 packets of 5Kg rice and 10 bottles of 2Kg Canola oil! A big Thank You to them, to
Mega, who rallied the parents towards this cause and, to all the people who donated and helped out! It would not have succeeded without each one of you!

Volunteers from the FFTH collected the food packets on Monday, to be later distributed to needy individuals and families. Job well done!

The spirit of giving is alive in TK!

Article written by Sunitha

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Night sessions to remember...

Conscientious Sec 4 Students are spending time in the library to prepare for the GCE 'O' Level exams. The school has kept the library open into the night to support requests from the students to provide the space for their revisions. The PSG was on hand to give a further boost to these hardworking students by providing what parents have always done..., love and care through beverages and food.

The GCE 'O' Level Exam is a major event for a 16-year-old. These teenagers are now mature enough to understand importance of the exam and they are putting in more effort to prepare for it than ever before.
The PSG wishes all TKSS Sec 4 students well for the upcoming GCE 'O' Level exam.
The food and refreshments were donated from caring parents. There were parents who contributed by providing the logistics and they were also on site to keep an eye on the students.

  ...... Till this day, I still remember how seriously I had to study 30 years ago. It still gives me the shudders thinking about it. Having a conducive environment is always a plus point for students to prepare for exams.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

GCE 'O' student self study support

21 August 2009
Dear Secondary 4 Parents,
The school has opened its library to the Secondary 4 students for self-study in preparation for the upcoming GCE ‘O’ Level Examinations from17th August 2009.  Interested students may stay until 9.00 pm on Mondays to Thursdays. (For more information, please refer to the letter from the School dated 12th August 2009 re: Opening of School Premises for Self-Study)
In order to encourage the students in their endeavour to achieve good ‘O’ Level results and to show our support for them, the Parent Support Group has initiated a project to supply fruit and hot drinks to the students every evening. We are also looking into the possibility of providing a light snack on a regular basis.
This project has been carried out for the last two years. The students from the previous batches were very appreciative and the feedback received was encouraging. With your help, we hope to be as successful this year as we have been in the last two years.
We would like to cordially invite you to participate in this project through cash donations. If you are keen to support this project, please contact PSG Main Committee member, Mrs Mega Siew at Tel: 97413498 or e-mail her at  Alternatively, you may wish to give your contribution, either cash or a cash cheque, directly to Mrs Farid Lee in the General Office. Please indicate Secondary 4 Self-Study Programme on the envelope.
We look forward to your strong support as we work hand-in-hand to make this project a success.
Warm Regards
Safri Sujadi
Chairman, TK PSG

Racial Harmony Day: Amazing Race

Article contributed by Mdm. Vanessa Lim who's son is in Sec1. - 22 Jul 09

TK celebrated the Racial Harmony Day with a variety of programmes on the 22nd July. Although the duration of the event was shortened and there was no mass assembly due to the outbreak of H1N1, the spirit was high. This year, about 20 parents in total took part in the event, facilitating 2 sessions of KDB (Know, Do, Be) titled "Fuzion Fest" and "Fabrix", as well as supervising "Amazing Race" to help promote the importance of racial harmony.

The amazing race was held within the school compound instead of outside school (see below the original planned route) due to the rain. The 'last minute' arrangements kept the teachers busy by allocating 4 different checkpoints for 4 different cultural groups namely Eurasian, Hindis, Muslims and Peranakans. Students were having fun checking out each group's differences through 'question and Answer' , 'Crossword Puzzle' and identifying the food displayed. The original planned routes - The amazing race was supposed to be carried out along the 4 check points namely
1) Masjid Khalid Mosque at Onon Road;
2) Sri Senpaga Vinayagar Temple (Joo Chiat Road);
3) Peranakan House (Koon Seng Road); and
4) Eurasian Community House (Koon Seng road).02 July 2008