8:ooam was already a hive of activities for the PSG volunteers preparing to receive the parents of the sec 1 registration.

The smiling faces of these yellow-shirt volunteers speaks volumes to give a warm welcome to the visiting parents.

Parents were a brief write-up about PSG.
Time was set aside for parents to understand their role and opportunity to participate as stakeholders.
Time was set aside for parents to understand their role and opportunity to participate as stakeholders.

Parents workshop on Mentoring Teens in the Internet age is of significant relevance to the challenges faced by parents in dealing with the issue of Internet discipline and its appropriate use.
Immediately emphasis was for parents to attend the TK1 nite to have the opportunity for parents of the same class to network and help with the child's progress in school with information sharing.

There were encouraging response to the above 2 mentioned events and PSG volunteers were on hand to help register interested parties. Alan and Peck Khoon were to busy to notice the photo shot taken of them.

New PSG members are already at ease with PSG volunteer Veronica and were exchanging information. We will be more than happy if some of these goodwill will translate into more parent- participation to partner the school.

Siew Hoon is our excellent mandarin speaking PSG member besides Doris Teo. Both ladies are conversant in English as well. Hence, for parents who want to get your message across with mandarin, you are in good hands.
Malay and Indian PSG members will also be able to connect well in mother tongue with the PSG committee thru Safri, Sarifah, Mega, Sunitha, Rashvender, etc

Don't forget the date! TK1 Nite 21 Feb (Sat). If you have missed the registration, please seek us out through the contact in this blog. We will attend to you and will be more than happy to have you with us on that day.

This is Ginger. Parent of a child in sec 1G. We thank parents like her to be able to volunteer help to others in her PSG role.
As for me, I have a child in Sec 3 by start of next year and a second child in sec 1 when school re-opens. So, you should be seeing me around for some time. I am incidentally a old boy from TK, graduated in 1978. TK runs in my family.
Hope to see the new faces in the coming year. Your particpation is valuable to the school and an inspiration to other parents.
Hope to see the new faces in the coming year. Your particpation is valuable to the school and an inspiration to other parents.