Students participating in the games represented their houses. The houses with the most points would be the champion for the Games Carnival.
Intense competitions took place at various venues in the school.
Boys and girls from all levels took part in indoor games such badminton and table tennis.
There was also a computer quiz held in the computer lab where students pitted their IT and gaming skills against each other.
Students having fun and games right after the exams.
Parents showed their support by bringing curry chicken and hot dog for charity sales to add to the atmosphere.
Parents and students worked together to set up and run the stalls.
Parents and students worked together to set up and run the stalls.
Students, teachers and staff patronised the stalls to grab a bite after their games or while watching them.
By noon, food and drinks were already sold out!
The parent volunteers who has helped immensely were Norhayati, Michelle, Tan Siew Hoon, Sylvia and Evelyn.
Will like to take this opportunity to thank them for their generousity in giving their time and effort to make the Games Carnival a success.
Posted by: Ng Hei Tong